Find the average salary for your desired search.
Designed a salary checker feature that would enable job seekers to see an average base salary during their job search and reference that during later interview and salary negotiation stages with employers.
Project: Salary Checker
Sector: Recruitment/Staffing
Role: Lead Product Designer
Duration: 3 months
Completed: 2022
Discovery & User Research
Conducted two rounds of qualitative testings in order to determine if users are interested in seeing salary information during their job search and if they can understand and point out this new feature on the search results page. Users preference would be based on three different design prototypes.
Research Findings
Findings showed that most users thought there was replication of information when presented with swift charts. They found the histograph visualisation and salary range visualisation more informative where as the line graph was the least favorite and some even found it confusing.
Users prefer buttons as opposed to a carousel, it gives them a clear indication that there is more information included.
Users would like to see some time of tax calculation implementation in the average salary checker. It seems it’s something that goes hand in hand for them and would be interesting to see if some time of calculator could be added.
Design & Ideation
Three prototypes were tested during the two rounds of testings. Each design focused on different accessibility such as button and icon location as well as different infographics displayed.
The user testing showed that users preferred V4 however due to development constraints, only one page was implemented.